Search [0] in Company List - Maldives - Show All Valid - RSS[0] - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenWed, 05 Mar 2025 03:50:53 +0700Indomonster.comTrade: Protrade [male, Maldives]Trading , ship handling , construction , fishing/Protrademale/profile/protrade.htmProtrade20240625101949Trade: Lyncis Pvt Ltd [Male', Maldives]Importer and exporter of all kinds of sea food products/lyncismaldives/profile/lyncis-pvt-ltd.htmLyncis Pvt Ltd20240625101949Trade, Service, Organizations: GAGEPvtLtd [Maldives, MALE, maldives, male, Maldives]A Client Protective Service business - total security and safety solution company established in Maldives/GAGEPVTLTD/profile/gagepvtltd.htmGAGEPvtLtd20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade: Crosspole Corporation pvt ltd [Male, Maldives]Our company based on importing different types of vehicles from Japan. We started with lots of experience gained from the most popular vehicle dealer in the country and we have been doing this..../Crosspole/profile/crosspole-corporation-pvt-ltd.htmCrosspole Corporation pvt ltd20240625101949Trade, Service: Cornflake [Thinadhoo, Maldives]We are dealing with bedding and Garments/CornflakMaldives/profile/cornflake.htmCornflake20240625101949Trade, Organizations: Prominent Resources Pvt Ltd [male, maafannu, Maldives]we are well established company in Maldives. we are doing wholesale and retail business in the maldives./prominentmaldive/profile/prominent-resources-pvt-ltd.htmProminent Resources Pvt Ltd20240625101949Trade: dhirubaan [male, Maldives]its a small company we are export and importers different categary of food items such as cooking oil, sea cucumber, dry fish and many more./wwwsadhamartscom/profile/dhirubaan.htmdhirubaan20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade: Highsea International Pvt Ltd [Maldives, Male', Maldives]It is a company doing sea cucumber business in all over the over World. We export and import. We have different varieties of sea cucumbers. It is located in Maldives, in Indian Ocean/HighseaInternational/profile/highsea-international-pvt-ltd.htmHighsea International Pvt Ltd20240625101949Trade: Half-Six Investments [Male', Maldives]Half-Six Investments is a trading company registered in Maldives. We are involved in international trade and travel, hotel supplies and general consumer goods./Halfsix/profile/half-six-investments.htmHalf-Six Investments20240625101949Service: mias global sdn bhd [Rawang, Selangor, selangor, Maldives]Dear Sir/ Mdm, I' m From Malaysia, My Company Focus On Mechanical Engineering ( Servicing Induction Motor & Gear Box. Please Quote For 1 Unit Of Bearing Heater ZMH-200E/miasglobal/profile/mias-global-sdn-bhd.htmmias global sdn bhd20240625101949Service: Reefside Co Pvt Ltd [Male, Maldives]Reefside Company still leads the way for exclusive selling of watches and electronics of repute in the Maldives . We have further gained the trust of our customers by establishing the first full..../reefsidemaldives/profile/reefside-co-pvt-ltd.htmReefside Co Pvt Ltd20240625101949Trade: Cinchora Tarding Pvt Ltd [Male, Maldives]A wholesale trading company established in MAldives. We deal with FMC goods and all imported from various countries. Sole distributor for Neesa Basmathi Rice, an international brand exported for..../cinchora/profile/cinchora-tarding-pvt-ltd.htmCinchora Tarding Pvt Ltd20240625101949Trade: Ahmed Adeel [N/A, Maldives]N/ A ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................/ahmedadeel/profile/ahmed-adeel.htmAhmed Adeel20240625101949Trade: SHANEEZ INTERNATIONAL PVT.LTD [Male, kaafu, Maldives]WE ARE A COMPANY BASED IN REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES WHICH IS DOING DRIED SEA CUCUMBERS IN A LARGE SCALE. WE BUY DRIED SEA CUCUMBER FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD./shaneezinternational/profile/shaneez-international-pvt-ltd.htmSHANEEZ INTERNATIONAL PVT.LTD20240625101949Service: Maser ( M) sdn.bhd [kuala lumpur, wp, Maldives]Drilling and exploration works with petronas and other oil companies./wwwmasercommy/profile/maser-m-sdn-bhd.htmMaser ( M) sdn.bhd20240625101949Trade: Radiantheat Waters Pvt. Ltd. [Male, kaafu, Maldives]Distributor dealer and stockiest for machinery and equipments in maldives./radiantheatwaters/profile/radiantheat-waters-pvt-ltd.htmRadiantheat Waters Pvt. Ltd.20240625101949Trade, Service: Maldive Islands Travel & Hotels LLC [Male', Maldives]Travel: Resort / Hotel / Live-aboard Vessel bookings, Dive and Fishing Safaris Agency/ representative services in Maldives Services via associates 1. Dial Trade pvt. Ltd. General Traders ..../Maldive-islands/profile/maldive-islands-travel-hotels-llc.htmMaldive Islands Travel & Hotels LLC20240625101949Trade: octat [male', Maldives]we are well esterblished company which has registerd under government' s authority./livegrouper/profile/octat.htmoctat20230524160425Trade, Service: Riyan Pvt Ltd [male, male, Maldives]Consultancy Design Feasibility Studies Management Consultancy Valuation Urban Planning/wwwriyancommv/profile/riyan-pvt-ltd.htmRiyan Pvt Ltd20230524160425Trade: SeaGate The International Pvt.Ltd [Male', machchangolhi, Maldives]we deal all kinds of chilled and whole frozen white fish we can supply please email/SEAGATE/profile/seagate-the-international-pvt-ltd.htmSeaGate The International Pvt.Ltd20230524160425